Ginger or Jahe ( Zingiber officinale )

Ginger or Jahe in Indonesia, is a very popular plant and spice. the trends of it benefits are increased significantely. especially in europe. is because the european starting concern about they health by using herbal or spice or natural material. such as beer, it can make body feel warm but has a bad impact for body in long term, different with ginger, it can make body feel warm and increase body vitality or immunity.
Many products are made of ginger as a dominant material. such as, Ginger Teas, Candies, Powder, Cake, Food, Snacks and others.
Ginger has many benefits for health :
1. Maintance Blood Vessel stay good
2. Healing Headache / Migrain
3. Avoiding Influenza, fever
4. Decreasing blood pressure
5. Natural diet
6. Ease tootache
7. Anti alergic
8. Increased Vitality
9. Anti acne
10. Anti- cancer
and many more.



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