
CV. ASRAZA INDOHERBAL JAYA adalah supplier dan distributor bahan baku herbal yang dibentuk untuk mengakomodir kebutuhan bahan baku herbal, bahan herbal berkualitas.
Kami menjual dan menyediakan bahan baku baik simplisia, serbuk/bubuk simplisia maupun ekstrak.

CV.ASRAZA INDOHERBAL JAYA is a Supplier and distributor of raw indonesian herbs. we provide simplicia, dry powder and extract herbs.

Klien kami berasal baik dari dalam kota, luar kota maupun luar negri.

Alamat Kantor Kami (  marketing office ):
Jl. Sailin II No. 19 B, South Jakarta-Indonesia
Phone : +62812 912 77100
Email :
Pin BB : 5B829809

CV. ASRAZA INDOHERBAL JAYA is a supplier and distributor of herbal raw materials are set up to accommodate the needs of herbal raw materials, quality herbal ingredients.
We sell and supply feedstock crude drugs, powder / powder botanicals and extracts.

We also provide empty capsule quality with low price.
CV.ASRAZA INDOHERBAL JAYA is a supplier and distributor of Indonesian raw herbs. we provide simplicia, dry powder and extract herbs.

Our clients come both from within the city, outside the city or overseas.

Our Office Address (marketing office):
Jl. Sailin II No. 19 B, South Jakarta, Indonesia
Phone: +62812 912 77 100
BB Pin: 5B829809

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